Payment page
Integrating our payment page into your checkout or deposit flows is fast and simple. It comes with all the best practices of mobile money payments already built in, providing your customers with a best-in-class payment experience.
All payments are fully reconciled to their final status and can be easily found in our portal. No more reconciling payments through numerous support channels.
Benefit from mobile money secure platform requiring consumer to confirm every payment. Reduce your costs by zero chargebacks and low rates of fraudulent transactions.
We have built panpay for scale and high availability. We constantly monitor Mobile Network
Operators for any issues and
publish this on our.
Our experienced support team is there for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They help you in
minutes, not days.
Integrating our payment page into your checkout or deposit flows is fast and simple. It comes with all the best practices of mobile money payments already built in, providing your customers with a best-in-class payment experience.